Tamagoyaki (Japanese rolled omlette)玉子焼き

Tamagoyaki is something every home cook in Japan is well aquainted with. Loved by all generations and a staple part of their cuisine. Holding a resemblence to its European counterpart it is layers of cooked egg mixture which is rolled and sweetened. Tamago-yaki literally translates as grilled-egg. Below is a video of the technique.



Mix all ingredients (except the eggs) in a saucepan and heat.

Once the sugar is dissolved cool to room temp.

Beat the eggs and add the cooled mixture.

Seive the mixture.

Oil and heat the frying pan. ( Needs to be below smoking before adding the egg mixture.)

Add a ladle of mixture at a time to cover the base of the pan.

Once the egg begins to set fold the egg over three times from the top of the pan to the base (As shown in the above video.)

Repeat this process until all the egg mixture is used or you have reached the desired size.


50g sugar

30ml sake

30ml dashi

25ml light shoyu

pinch of salt

9 eggs


Make sure the pan is hot enough before adding the mixture or it will stick.

Always re oil the pan between layers.

Once cooked you can always shape over the heat if its not the correct shape and lightly set in a makisu.

Don’t turn off the heat to control the cooking process just remove the pan from the heat.

David Brazier